Our story
Clayton’s first church, All Saints opened in 1896. Long before there was a hospital or a university, long before there were paved roads, there was a church to serve the community.
In recent decades, three major changes have reshaped the parish.
The first change was the opening of Dixon House. In 1991, the parish gave up its onsite vicarage to open a neighbourhood centre. Motivated by God's love, Dixon House offers a range of educational, recreational and welfare programmes to serve the diverse needs of the local community.
The second change has been the demographic shift in the local community and the church’s membership, both of which are now highly multicultural. One of the highlights of the church year for us is Pentecost Sunday, when we celebrate how God has gathered us into his family from many nations, tribes, peoples and languages.
The third change is a broader social shift in Melbourne from local networks towards relational ones, with the result that the parish now serves a wider community throughout Melbourne’s South East.
We are growing into our name—All Saints.