
Contact us

Subscribe for email updates here:

2 Dixon Street, Clayton, Victoria 3168

(03) 9544 1525

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Sunday services

We extend a warm welcome to all at our gathered and online services. 

8am (traditional communion service)

10am (all-age communion service with children's and youth ministry)

2:30pm (Dinka language service) 

Online services

If you can't attend in person on Sunday, join us on Zoom.

We broadcast the 10am Sunday gathered service.

Contact us for the Zoom link.

Home groups and Bible studies

We offer homes groups and Bible studies at various times.

Meet in a supportive small group environment.

Learn to read the Bible and apply it to life.

Get in touch if you would like to join a group.

Mainly Music

How much fun can you handle?

Fun, interactive music sessions for children aged 0–5 and their carers.

Half-hour sessions are followed by morning tea and time to play and chat.

10:30am Fridays during school term.

Contact the church office for more information or to register. 

Christianity Explored

Christianity Explored

Discipleship Explored

Contact us to register for our next free course.

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